Families Change Guide to Separation & Divorce

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Where can we get more help?



Legal Aid Outreach Clinics

The Outreach Legal Aid Clinic provides a range of services, including help for people facing separation or divorce. You can call 1-844-497-1319 to contact the clinic.


FamiliesChange.ca: This website contains information to help all members of the family cope with separation and divorce. There are resources for children, teens, and parents. There is also a free half-day workshop called Parenting after Separation Workshop, which helps parents understand the importance of putting the needs of the children first.

Children and Families: Clear information to help parents understand child support and find help.

Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-By-Step: This guide includes worksheets to help parents figure out things like special or extraordinary expenses and undue hardship.

Maintenance Enforcement Program: Assists children and families by monitoring support payments specified in court orders and agreements.